This week in TONY'S TIPS at Tales of Wonder...Scooby-Doo! Team-Up Volume 5, Gumballs by Erin Nations and the movie Accident Man based on the comics series by Pat Mills and Tony Skinner!
Scooby Doo Team Up is by far my favorite DC title being published today. I have loved it since it began. The GL / GA team up may be my favorite issue of the entire series! Sholly Fisch brilliantly balances stories that can be enjoyed by younger kids who have only passing knowledge (if that) of the heroes / cartoon characters spotlighted in each issue with humor and references that can be appreciated by long time fans like me. So much fun!!!
Scooby Doo Team Up is by far my favorite DC title being published today. I have loved it since it began. The GL / GA team up may be my favorite issue of the entire series! Sholly Fisch brilliantly balances stories that can be enjoyed by younger kids who have only passing knowledge (if that) of the heroes / cartoon characters spotlighted in each issue with humor and references that can be appreciated by long time fans like me. So much fun!!!