Monday, March 17, 2025



It’s been a productive couple of weeks for me. I’ve written Last Kiss gags as both Jenny and Tony. I wrote an eight-page comics story that will be Jenny’s first credit from a major publisher. I’ve started writing the first issue of my new trans super-hero series. I don’t have a publisher yet, but I’m going to write the first three issues to get a jump on things if or when that deal is made. I’ve started mapping out a long autobiographical graphic novel on my life, career and transition to date. Once I get well into that work, I’ll be looking for a publisher for it as well. I’m a busy gal.

I am also working on my 2025 Vast Accumulation of Stuff garage sales with the help of my friend Rob Petersen. I plan to have the sales every Friday and Saturday (9 am to noon) starting on May 2 and 3. The only exception will be weekends when I’m going to be attending a convention or other public event. Which won’t happen until June earliest.

This year’s sales are going to be very special because there are tied into some house projects. I am determined to remove all the boxes from one of the bedrooms so it can be turned back into a proper bedroom again. We’re going to get new lighting in our big basement so that I can utilize that space and, in doing so, clear our downstairs family room. Yes, we have two family rooms. As I have told you, we live in a freaking Tardis.

Turning 73 last December and facing a somewhat uncertain future due to Trump and his Nazis destroying our country, I took a long hard look at all the unread books and comics in my house, all the unwatched movies and TV series, and other collectibles. I came to the conclusion I could and should do without them. Which will benefit my customers with, for example, amazing hardcovers and trades being priced at 30% of their original prices. A $100 omnibus edition can be yours for $30. Spend over $100 and you’ll get a 10% discount on your entire day’s purchases.

NOTE: Cash is still king, but I will also be able to accept both PayPal and Venmo.

Some highlights: I’ll have an entire table of Godzilla and kaiju for you. Action figures and other amazing collectibles. Books, comic books and magazines, including many back issues of G-Fan.

We’re beefing up our vintage comic book boxes with great issues, some from the 1960s and priced to sell. The hardcover and trade paperback boxes will feature archives and omnibus editions. I am also opening my boxes of vintage PS Artbooks collections to add to the sales. I’m so excited to offer these to you.

I’ll be selling dozens of Funko Pop and other action figures as I reduce my collection to mostly just characters I created or have a special liking for. As in previous years, all of these will be priced to sell.

I have two and maybe three office boxes of manga writing to be processed. Any adult material will be removed to go into adult mystery boxes. The rest will be priced at just $1 each.

Dollar comics have always been a mainstay of my sales, but they are loss leaders, a product sold at a loss to attract customers. It’s true most everything in my sales are sold at a loss, but the dollar boxes take up a lot of space for what they bring in. I plan to continue having dollar boxes as part of my sales, but I will be limiting them to four boxes. At the end of every sale, I’ll be putting roughly 20% of those dollar comics into mystery boxes. That way, I’ll be able to add more dollar comics to every garage sale.

Speaking of mystery boxes, I hope to make a great many of them. However, I have a problem at the front. Since I’m buying less new books, comics and other things, I’m getting fewer boxes that I can use for mystery boxes. If you have empty boxes, please consider dropping them off at my house. The more empty boxes I have, the more new mystery boxes I can make.

A few other notes. I’ll continue to sign Isabella items for free at my garage sales. But you must purchase at least $20 worth of sale items before I sign your books for free. At conventions, I charge $10 per signature. So this is still a good deal.

I was asked how I will be presenting at my garage sales. As with this year’s convention appearances, I will continue to present as Tony and not Jenny. I’m always Jenny, whether I’m presenting as her or not, but I do this to make those who don’t understand the transgender community more comfortable. I shouldn’t have to do this. I think they should just get over their damn selves and realize I (and others) are just trying to live authentically. We are not a threat to anyone.

If you want to see me presenting as my authentic self, I’ll be at Pride in the CLE in June and the Flaming River Con later in the year. I may even cosplay at both of these events, playing off something in the eight-page story mentioned above.

I may be dealing with my health issues, but I’m more productive than I have been in a long time. These garage sales are part of that greater productivity. That’s why I urge you to come to my garage sales. You’re gonna find a lot of great things at very low prices.

Thanks for stopping by today. I’ll be back soon with more stuff.

© 2025 Tony Isabella

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