Wednesday, January 29, 2020


This new year has gotten off to a hectic start for me. I'll share some of the details with you at a later date, but, for now I just want to answer the three questions I get asked most often. 

QUESTION: Why aren't you writing Black Lightning or some other character that I created or wrote in the past...or that the person asking this question would like me to write?

ANSWER: Because I haven't been hired to write those characters. In the case of Black Lightning, I guess it's because, in its infinite wisdom, DC Comics thinks my creation and their most iconic black hero is best used in their DRIVING MISS BATMAN title. And, yes, I will be reviewing that title in the very near future.

This next question is usually asked as if it were an answer in itself.

QUESTION: You're raking it in from the Black Lightning TV show, right?

ANSWER: I have made some nice-by-comics-industry-standards money from the TV series, but it's not remotely life-changing money. I would make more money writing one comic book a month for Marvel or DC.

QUESTION: Why aren't you a guest at (fill in name of convention you'd like me to attend)?

ANSWER: Because the convention you mentioned either didn't invite me or couldn't/wouldn't meet my appearance requirements, which usually include hotel, travel and an appearance fee. Sans the life-changing money I don't receive, I can't afford to do every convention I'd like to do. I take no offense when an event can't meet my terms, but their situation doesn't change my situation.

If you want to see me writing Black Lightning or any other comics, if you would like to see me at a convention, then you need to express that desire to the people who make those decisions. That's always going to be a long shot, but it's the only shot you have.

Full-scale blogging should resume in a few days. See you then.

© 2020 Tony Isabella

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