Monday, February 3, 2025


Burt Gummer lives!

From what I was told, the gentleman above won the convention costume contest. I didn’t get his name, but we agreed that the formidable graboid-slayer wasn’t dead. We never saw his body in the most recent Tremors movie. We concluded he was taking a bit of “Burt Time” to recharge at some undisclosed location, happily living off his stockpiles of MREs.

Akronomicon 2025 was a one-day horror event hosted by the same fine folks who do the Akron Comicon. Like that convention, it was held at Emidio’s Expo Center in nearby Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. The facility had had and is still undergoing some renovation. It’ll be even bigger for their next event. That should be in May. When I know more, I’ll share the info with you.

The day started with a twinge of sadness. In years past, WBNX-TV has been the first booth at Akron Comicon and other events. But the station, which had always done a terrific job promoting the con, was sold just before last year’s event. That was their last time setting up at the show. They were the best people and their absence was felt.

There were still many joys to be had at Akronomicon. I got to spend time with my friend Linda Miller (King Kong Escapes and The Green Slime). She is a charming, friendly lady with wondrous stories from her life in Japan and appearing in films there. She is one my favorite people.

I met Victoria Price, daughter of Vincent Price and author of, among other things, Vincent Price: A Daughter’s Biography and The Way of Being Lost: A Road Trip to my Truest Self. She graciously signed both books for me.

There were many other media guests at Akronomicon, but I didn’t get the chance to chat with them other than to say hello. I did get to spend time with dear friends like Ted Sikora, Jay Fife, Rick Lorenzo, Dan Gorman and Denine Copeland.

The topic of discussion included the adverse effects the current administration will have on our country, our world, and even the comics industry. Many of the comic books you love are printed in Canada. Many of the classy collections are printed in China. I’m not sure there are enough American printers to pick up the work being done in those countries and match the quality and price of those comics and collections.

Among the items I sold were duplicates of PS Artbooks volumes I owned. The customer was thrilled to get them at such reasonable prices. Just one of the reasons you should make plans to come to my cool Vast Accumulation of Stuff garage sales this spring and summer. I had a nice chat with the customer, directing him to the PS Artbooks website and telling him he could usually find the books discounted InStock Trade and, of course, at much lower shipping costs than ordering them from the U.K.

My next convention guest appearance is coming up soon. I’ll be returning to Pensacon. My favorite convention is taking place on February 14-16. I’ll have more details for you in a few days. In the meantime, thanks to Akronomicon for a good time and thanks to all of you for visiting me here.

I’ll be back soon with more stuff.

© 2025 Tony Isabella

1 comment:

  1. I've already seen predictions of comic book prices and the prices of collections and graphic novels being jacked up due to the Dumpster President's tariffs. Can't buckin' wait.
