Thursday, August 30, 2018


I received all sorts of positive comments on yesterday's Batman blog. You know who didn't care much for it? Me. The guy who wrote it.

I'm dealing with all sorts of little issues and problems at the moment. None of them worth talking about, save that they are getting in the way of my writing.

I don't think I did a good job on yesterday's Batman blog, so I'll be rewriting it in a few days. I'm leaving the original up for now, but there will be a new and expanded version next week.

[I've taken down the Batman piece. I didn't do a good enough job with it. I'll be re-writing it in the very near future to add some more nuance. I don't want to come off like one of the old farts who want comic books to be exactly like they were when I was 12. That's just not me.]

Which is when I'll be resuming full-scale blogging. I figure the writing will go better once I deal with  these troublesome issues and problems. See you soon.


  1. Tony, it's not "being an old fart" to want heroes to be heroic and to stand for something. Please do not back off from the position you've taken on this character. Batman is something better than people have made him. Do not mitigate your position on that.

  2. As one of the individuals fortunate enough to read your "first draft", I found it to be really quite good. I can't wait to see the finished product.
