Monday, July 13, 2020


I'm going to be taking a week off from the Internet.
For the most part.
I will still send birthday greetings to my Facebook friends.
I will still post my basic lists of birthdays, historical notes and remembrances on my Facebook page.
If there's anything new by me out there, like a new Last Kiss gag or a reprint of my work, I'll post a notice about that.
I'll continue to post daily "Things That Make Me Happy."
I'll continue to update Kaiju Cathedral.
I'll be pushing back the start of my Vast Accumulation of Stuff garage sales by another week.
There will be a new TONY'S TIPS posted tomorrow. After that, you won't see a new bloggy thing for several days.
I'll continue to monitor all my Facebook pages to approve new friends/members and to approve any posts that require that.
I'll do the same with comments to my blog.
There are a lot of reasons for this semi-withdrawal from the Internet. Some of them are personal. Some are work-related.
I'll be back next week with what I think will be very cool stuff.
Stay safe, stay sane and be kind to one another.
Tony Isabella

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